Monday, January 1, 2007

The very first rule....

of weight loss/life change/whatever you want to call it is NEVER GO TO THE GROCERY STORE HUNGRY!!! Do I listen to this rule? Most days yes but this is the first day of my diet so what do I do? Go to the grocery store at 5:30PM with a hungry baby. Our first stop of course was the bakery for an oatmeal raisin cookie for my son. Not too bad so far. We go through soda aisle and I get Diet Coke and Coke Zero (Diet Coke for Men) and have to pass all of the candy and chocolate. I am strong and pass all of that up. We go down the cookie aisle looking for 100 calorie packs and what do I see? Why Biscoff cookies of course. This is the first time I have seen them at a store. I have eaten them American Airlines before and have wondered when I could get my hands on them. Do I pass them this point all sense of willpower has gone out the window. I stuck them in the cart. I did get some 1 point Weight Watcher Smoothies and 1 point Giant Fudge Bars for snacks. Not doing too bad so far, Only one outlawed item in the cart then I see the Kit Kat Bites near the register. I think "If I eat these in the car no one will know..." I passed them up. That is huge for me because I LOVE Kit Kat Bites.

The plan was for me to go to the grocery store get fruits and veggies and come home and have a salad. Instead I ate a Mcdonalds Cheeseburger. I passed on the fries though and now I am home. I went over points today. It is the first day of the new year and I couldn't stay in my points....what does that say for tomorrow? Hopefully, now that we have fruits and veggies in the house I will be able to make better choices for the rest of the week.

Here is my point breakdown for the day:

2 pancakes: 6
2 Tbsp Chocolate Chips:3

1 Cup Campbell's Chili: 3
1 oz cheese:2
1 Oz Salt and Vinegar Chips: 4

Mcdonalds Cheeseburger:8
4 Biscoff Cookies:3
Giant Fudge Bar:1

Total: 30 Points 24 used and 6 flex points used. Hopefully tomorrow I can stick with the 24 points.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Good job on passing up the kit kat bites and the fries! It's those little things that really add up.

And I wouldn't think of it as going over on your IS ok to use your flex points, that's what they're there for. Some people will even just divide them up for the week and add that 5 points to their daily total. Although I know it can be hard to break down and use those flex points - to me it sometimes feels like those are my "I'm a fat pig and ate too many points today and now I'm trying to cover my butt" points. lol Anyways, what I'm trying to say is you did fine and didn't "really" go over.