Friday, January 5, 2007

I have a plan...

As part of the health and wellness program I do at work, I get 2 free visits with the hospital dietician. Monday I'm going to call and set up an appointment. I want to do another week or so of food journaling, keeping track of how i feel after eating, when i get hungry, etc. I'm hoping she can give me some suggestions so I'm not feeling hungry so much when I eat good...even when I eat lots of protein, fiber, and drink my water.

I did horrible eating today, but I seem to do better when I have an 'off' day and don't worry about my points. I went to the store tonight and got food for tomorrow (all day wrestling tournament). I'm going to have some oatmeal with peanut butter for breakfast - I know that should keep me nice and full during the morning. I bought some low cal bread, turkey, and cottage cheese, plus I'm taking some carrots and apples too. That will give me lots to choose from and snack on during the day. I really hate all day events where I can barely leave to go to the bathroom, let alone make food. And to make it worse, it's supposed to be a nice day again tomorrow and it'd be nice to get out and go for a nice long walk - but nooOOOooo- i get to sit on my butt and wait for someone to get hurt ;)

Let's see if I can keep on track tomorrow.


J(ohnny), E(ma), T(im), A(nissa) R(ajala).......Jetarajala said...

I had a nutritionalist ask me to keep track for two weeks and I was so embarrassed about everything I ate, I refused to go back and show her.

Although, I heard that it really is a good idea to log your food.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

That is great that you can go talk to someone. I hope she is helpful. And good job getting your food in advance! That should be a big help!