Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Good Day today on pts!

I've had a really good day today. Breakfast this morning was 1 cup of WW oatmeal=2pts. , 1 banana=2 pts. 1 cup coffee with coffeemate=1pt. Lunch was 1/2 cup hash brown and brocolli cassorole=4pts. and 1 WW 2pts. bar. Dinner was at El Pollo Loco where I had 1 skinless roasted chicken breast with plain salad=7 pts. and 1 small bowl of tortilla soup=5 pts.
Snack was 1/2 a candy bar=2pts. Total 25 pts. I still have two pts. if I get hungry this evening. I may have a yogurt then. I have done a lot of walking today with shopping with my darling hubby. Hopefully that is worth at least 2 pts. My feet hurt anyway. Everybody hang in there. We can do it!

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