Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Admitting the problem is . . .

The first step to recovery and much easier to say than to do anything about it. Hello, my name is Megan. I am 21 years old and I'm sick of having to shop at the reject outlet store just to buy a pair of jeans that might fit. Since, (and appearently I never got this memo) anyone size 12 and up doesn't deserve to wear anything remotely "fashionable". Okay, that's my agony in a nutshell.
Almost four years ago I graduated from high school, upon doing so I was a size ten and it was because of my wide hips. At my lowest in 10th grade I was a size 8. Since graduating I have gained 60 pounds (my highest was 222 and I'm 5'2 1/2"). I did manage to lose eleven of those beastly things, but since June I have not lost or gained and ounce ( currently 211). I was quite heavy from the age of 9 on. I've had a few big life changing experiences and I used to eat to feel better. I would blame everything and everyone in my life for my weight, except for myself. How could I possibly be to blame?
Well, in about Sept of 2006 (seems like yesterday) I realized that I was to blame for my weight and all the other "problems" I thought I had. At that point I thought I was doing good. I had accepeted responsibility and admitted my problem: I'm fat and I'm the one who let myself get fat. Okay, step one done, step two do something about it. Oh, me? I have to actually do something? I thought I already did something!
Well, now I am doing something. Even if it is a small something. I've tried weight watches before and I wasn't fond of the program. Turns out you have to follow the program to get results (news flash). I'm hoping that I get inspired my all of you lovely ladies who are on weight watchers, since I know the program it might be easire to cath on. Since my mom will be preparing weight watchers meals, it will be easier at home for me to stay on track with food, at work is another story. Did I metion I work at Starbucks? yeah it's #1 on Weight Watchers "no no" list. I've been doing pilates for 15-20 min a day and I take my dog out for a walk/run, not everyday though. So, I plan to keep up with the pilates as it feels great, and switch off my days of walking the pooch with days I drag my lazy bum to the gym.
Like I said earlier it's easier said than done. But step one down. 10% to go (my fist goal is 21 pounds).

1 comment:

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Hey Megs! I love how you write! :) I hope that we can all be a motivator for you as you will be for us! Good luck! Here is to losing that first 10%!