Friday, January 5, 2007


I know I should not weigh myself every day. I know in my head I shouldn't but I do it anyway. I have gone swimming twice this week and did cardio today and have been watching my points. What do I see when I step on the scale this morning? A 1 pound weight gain. Slow and steady wins the race they say but what if I am going in the wrong direction? I sound really whiny...sorry about that. It makes me think of that Pink song that goes "It's bad when you annoy yourself..."

I was thinking about your post earlier today Lisa about the psychological aspect. Bobby and I talked about it too. I feel satisfied in my stomach but in my head I think I need more food. I think for me it is because I am used to eating a lot more so I think I still should be. Grr..not fun. I will not weigh tomorrow. I will wait until Monday when I have been doing this 1 week. Then I will see if I have made any progress.


J(ohnny), E(ma), T(im), A(nissa) R(ajala).......Jetarajala said...


Has it occured to you that it could be muscle gain? Especially with all that swimming.

Lisa said...

some people do better weighing themselves every day - keeps them in check. you just have to figure out if that's what your doing, or if you're obsessing.

i know i was frustrated yesterday because i had lost a pound, and then i did good the next day and it was back on. it always seems that when i do good for a week and then have a "bad" day where i eat crap, i'll lose weight then next day. don't know why, but it just happens.