Friday, January 26, 2007

Journaling everything

I like Karen's challenge this week because I think journaling is the key to success at least for me. If I write down everything that I put in my mouth, it makes me think about what I'm doing. I got in this shape doing a lot of mindless eating. If I take the time to write it down, sometimes I don't eat it because it causes me to think about if I'm really hungrey or what else is going on. I can put away a lot of food when I'm sad, when I'm happy, and especially when I'm bored. If you realize you are eating out of boredom, or any other excuse besides hunger, then just remove yourself from the food! Go do something else, anything else. Clean house. Take a walk. Call a friend. Work on one of your favorite hobbies (scrapbooking, reading, card making,) Or do something for someone else. Take the focus off the food and yourself and you will succeed at this.

1 comment:

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I need to find other activites to do besides eating! Thanks for the suggestions!