Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today I was inspired....

by my friend Terri. Two years ago, Terri was contemplating gastric bypass surgery. She had to lose a certain amount of weight before they would do the surgery. She went to work and started losing weight. Before she knew it, she had lost the required amount of weight and then some. She decided to try and lose more weight and put off the gastric bypass surgery. She lost 70 lbs! She started walking on her treadmill for an hour every morning before work. She watched what she ate and walked seven days a week. The weight has stayed off for two years and she still walks five days a week.

Terri told me it takes 21 days to form a new habit. I thought about what I do in the morning. I get up and get ready for work, drink my coffee and eat a light breakfast and sit on my fanny and read the paper. What if I walked an hour on my treadmill instead of reading the paper for an hour? I can still read the paper on my break. I have resolved to walk every day for the next 21 days for an hour. It may be in two 30 minute blocks but it will be an hour a day. I want to challenge you all to join me for the next 21 days and see what a difference it will make in your life. I'm going to reveal something about myself. I'm Karen's mother and I'm almost 55 years old. I think I'm the oldest one here. Don't let an old broad out do you young chicks! LOL!


J(ohnny), E(ma), T(im), A(nissa) R(ajala).......Jetarajala said...

I don't know if I can commit 21 "consective" days. But my personal challenge will be to do 60 mins of exercise for 21 of the next 30 days, begining tommorow morning.

Is that okay?

Your friend is truly an inspiration.

Debbie said...

That's great! Just find what works for you.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Alright, 21 days of excercise....we'll try. :)