Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Still Got My Workout

Completely snowed in today. Okay, not completely. However, I wasn' t in the mood to dig out the car. So, I waited around all day and Tim did it. Anyhow, I never made it to the gym.

So, in an effort not to be a lazy bum (because I didn't get my butt onto the treadmill). I hung up some very large, framed artwork onto the walls. Then, I took the kids outside to play and shoveled the path to the front of the house and the path that runs up to the back of the house.

Man alive, I didn't realize shoveling snow was such hard work. And, who would have thought snow was so heavy.



Debbie said...

I would think that shoveling all that heavy snow would count as a day of exercise pts. Good job!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Yeah for being active! I am glad you got your workout in anyway. Ours consisted of walking between Homegoods, Target and Kroger in the freezing cold.