Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm letting the madness take over.....

Okay, so I was in this "can't let the sick beat me" mode. I skipped working out yesterday because I barely got Johnny to the busstop let alone me to the gym.

I was feeling a "little" bit better this morning, so I went.

I shouldn't have. About 25 mins into it, I started feeling dizzy again, my nose plugged up again and I began sweating. I don't rightly know if I was sweating because of the workout or the allergies. Sometimes, my allergies get so bad, I get chills and dizzyness.

ANYHOW, I stopped after about 35-40 mins. I sat down for about 5 mins and decided I couldn't do it anymore.

But, on the bright side, that is still 20 of 29 days. If I'm well enough tommorow, I'll make my goal of 21 of 30 days. While, I only got 18 days of 60+ mins, I'm not mad. I'm not gonna get down on myself.

This is the most I have worked out in a very long time.

Thank you so much Debbie and Karen for all the motivation.

Hope you all are having a great one!


Debbie said...

I'm so proud of you, but take care of yourself. Don't exercise so hard when you are sick. It really is okay to skip a day or two.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I am glad you got a little bit in before your allergies started in. You are doing great! :)