Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I'm struggeling....

I weighed in yesterday to find out I had gained 4.4 lbs. I wanted to talk to my leader about it at Weight Watchers but she wasn't there. I talked to the girl at the scale because I knew she was another leader. I was hoping for some encouraging words but what I got was, "Stop having a pity party for yourself and get on with it!" I wanted to smack her! I guess she's right though. I'm responsible for what I put in my mouth, not her.

PS. I weighed this morning and had already lost 2 lbs. So I feel vindicated in some ways because I thought I hadn't eaten enough to gain 4.4 lbs. I don't think I drank enough water last week. I drank alot of water yesterday and I lost 2 lbs. Could there be a connection?

1 comment:

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

How did it go today? I know you were trying to stay in your points. Don't give up! You can do it!h