Sunday, April 15, 2007

I'm sorry.....

I got so thrown off track. Who'd a thought Springbreak would throw me for a loop? And now I'm depressed. We've eaten out every other day for about 2 weeks now. Two of those days every meal was out. UGG!

I've gained about two pounds. I've only been to the gym a few times in the last two weeks.

I feel so down in the ditches. I've been checking the blog, but couldn't bring myself to post until today.

But, I made a very detailed grocery list. The hubby and kids came with me (which was so tiring). Next time I'm shopping by myself. LOL! Anyhow, I refused all snack foods, chips, ice cream etc. I did give in on the diet soda though. I suppose it could be worse.

I'm gonna start up the gym again on Tuesday. I didn't normally go on Mondays before so I'm not going to tommorow. I'm gonna take the morning/afternoon to cook the entire weeks worth of food, so I will have no excuse to eat out. And, I can't make excuses about school for not cooking. We need to go on a money diet anyway, so it won't be money shock when Ema begins preschool. So, expensive out here....GOSH! Thank goodness for tax returns!

Well, let me stop rambling.

But, I could use some encouragement as I sit here with my tummy tippith over onto my lap. How sad.

I wish we were all closer. I was just telling my sister I need a workout buddy. No one I know likes (of thinks they need) to workout.....

Didn't I say was going to shut up!

Talk to you guys later!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Don't be too hard on yourself. You have been doing so great. You've had a little, intsy, binsy, setback, nothing more. Now use it as information and get back on the horse! Hang in there.