Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hi everybody, I'm back!!

I just spent the most wonderful 25 days, in Italy for 16 and then Alaska for 8. I was really concerned about gaining back the 20 lbs I'd taken off and talked to my Weight Watcher leader about it. She said that I should just go and have a good time and if I put on weight, I would take it off again when I got home. I took her advice and had a wonderful time eating and drinking my way through Italy and Alaska. Believe me when I tell you that Italy has the best food and wine I've ever tasted. I came back to find that I had lost .2 of a pound! Now I know that it is due to the fact that we were walking our heads off and on the go all day and late into the evening. At least it has got me back on my walking exercise program. The first three days nearly killed me because I hadn't been walking and so I'm trying to walk every day to avoid going through that pain again.

Believe me, I know about getting angry when someone eats my food. I have a cupboard just for my snacks with a keep out sign on the door, so don't feel bad about wanting your dh to keep his mitts off your food.

1 comment:

J(ohnny), E(ma), T(im), A(nissa) R(ajala).......Jetarajala said...

Oh man, it sounds like you had a great time.

Can't wait until I can do that.

I need to use you as inspiration. Wow, didn't gain any weight. I'm so impressed.