Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm feeling

rotten right now! I hurt myself at work today. I was loading a wheel chair onto my bus and one of the aides decided to "help" me. She helped me alright. She pushed the chair while I was pulling and knocked me back into the lift. I felt something pop in my lower back and I couldn't straighten up. Off to the workman's comp doc and I'm icing my back, taking drugs and walking gently. I'm restricted to picking up no more than 10 pounds (I guess my purse will have to go) and no pushing or pulling anything. By the way, Karen, do I get a prize for posting the 100th post. I feel better already.


Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Woo hoo!! 100 posts in less than 2 months! Go girls! So, as far as prizes...yeah...I still haven't gotten to the post office but as soon as I do I will send you one along with Anissa and Lisa!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

Sorry you hurt your back! That stinks. You said you are still walking gently! Good for you!

J(ohnny), E(ma), T(im), A(nissa) R(ajala).......Jetarajala said...

I sure hope your feeling better. Back injuries suck. They linger forever. Hopefully, it's just a few days and your good as new.