Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today is 11 of 15 days.....moving right along.

I ate stupid yesterday and gained a little of the weight back. Gonna try and do better today.

Feeling exceptionally good today. I think it's because the sun is out and I still went to the gym. Although, I will readily admit, I only worked out for 45 mins this morning. But, better than not working out at all. Maybe, I can convince myself the housework I'm about to do will count as exercise. LOL!

Hope you all are having a great one!




We have 10 of 14 days.

I was sore this morning, but nada ouch in my shoulder. Today it was my biceps, but I realized that was a direct result of yesterdays workout. Got 45 mins step aerobics and 15 mins of light weight lifting. Whoot, whoot!


Is 9 of 13 days. Wow, that's almost two weeks.

Anyhow, got in a 60 minute workout. Did a little kick boxing, a little step work, a little abs and a little stretching. Just love my Wednesday instructor.

Although, I coudln't do a lot of the jab work because my shoulder is still hurting and figured it was better to low impact it for a couple of days instead of reinjurying it and having to sit out even longer.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reasons To Stay Motivated

So, I've been bummed because I haven't been loosing weight despite all the extra working out I've been doing. Plus, I was semi depressed because my cycles are all messed up again.

Well, ladies, I finally stepped off the cliff and onto the scale this morning. I'm convinced my haywire cycle has kept me from seeing my true weight over the past few weeks.

As of this morning, I'm down to 203. I was up from the 205 to 208. So, that's 5 lbs. I'm sure, some of it was "cycle weight". But, I came down even lower than I was before my cycle, so I'm convinced it was because I didn't let myself get down and kept exercising.

Keep motivated everybody!

Gained this week

I gained two pounds this week. I'm reminding myself that this is just information and what do I want to do about it. I have still taken off and kept off 11.6 lbs. Now all I have to do is drink my water, exercise, journal my food and pts and get busy and do it now!

8 of 12

Okay, rocked it today!

I sweated and felt good about it. Although, I stink right now and have to somehow manage to get a shower in before I have to take Johnny to school. LOL!

Anyhow, that was 65 mins today and 8 of 12 days.

That's what 77% of my days are getting exercise? Where is my calculator?

Tuesday Points

Cereal and Milk : 5 points
19 points left

Sandwich: 6 points
Cookie: 3 points

10 points left

Monday, February 26, 2007

Points for friday

7 points
10 points

7 points left

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Get up

off your lazy butt and workout.

Talking to myself here......

Okay, did it! Hated it, but did it.

66 mins
just over a 5K

BTW, that's 7 days out of 10.

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm feeling

rotten right now! I hurt myself at work today. I was loading a wheel chair onto my bus and one of the aides decided to "help" me. She helped me alright. She pushed the chair while I was pulling and knocked me back into the lift. I felt something pop in my lower back and I couldn't straighten up. Off to the workman's comp doc and I'm icing my back, taking drugs and walking gently. I'm restricted to picking up no more than 10 pounds (I guess my purse will have to go) and no pushing or pulling anything. By the way, Karen, do I get a prize for posting the 100th post. I feel better already.

6 of 8

Moving right along. Got in 61 minutes on the treadmill. Still debating tommorow since Tim won't be able to watch the kids. I usually don't have them with me on Saturday gym days.

Todays Points

So, I am starting over on my points today and I thought I would keep track of them here today. Maybe that will force me to stay at 24 for the day.

Bacon, Egg and Cheese Muffin Sandwich 5 (yes at home mom! :) )

19 left
Lunch 9.5

9.5 left


1.5 left

Thursday, February 22, 2007

30 Minutes

Hey, it's a start. We have all been sick in our house for the last 2 weeks. I am finally feeling better. So, I walked the dog for 30 minutes this morning. Maybe I can get another 1/2 hour in later today when Munchkins friend is over playing. :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I got my 60 minutes...

of exercise in tonight. I walked on the treadmill. I told myself that all I had to do is watch two half hour shows on TV while I walked and it worked. I set my incline on 3 and sometimes 4 and walked at 3.2 miles per hour. That's good for 4 activity pts with Weight Watchers. Hurray!

5 of 7

This morning I got in a 50 minute workout. I was dragging though. I think I'm gonna have to take a break today. I will finish up that other 10 minutes later today on the treadmill.

My left shin, the bottom of my feet and thighs were not cooperating today. But, I managed.

Hang in there everybody!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I know that's a deep subject. LOL. I managed a 20 minute high intensity treadmill workout after dinner. Day 7 and I'm still exercising even if it's not an hour all the time.

Weigh in day

My weigh in went well. I lost another 1.8, yippee! That's 13.6 total. I will walk tonight before dinner for an hour.

Day 4 of 6

That wasn't so bad. It was so much easier walking for 60 mins than trying to put some running in there. Also, I found that I didn't loose that many calories (since I don't run so fast) by just fast walking most of the time and putting some incline in there (even though I didn't incline it the entire time).

Moving right along......

Monday, February 19, 2007

Day 6 for Debbie

Hey there,
I'm glad you didn't give up after 40 minutes. I walked an hour this morning on the treadmill. I was hitting a wall about 45 minutes and then I reminded myself that I only had 15 minutes to go, so I pushed on and made it. I told my friend Terri that I was having a really hard time with my shins hurting and she gave me a really good tip. She said to slow down and raise the incline. I did that today. Instead of walking 3.5 mph. I slowed down to 3.0 mph and raised the incline from 1 to 3. I did the hour and walked 3 miles and my shins are not hurting. Now it's my butt! Lol. But I guess I need to work on that area of my body too, and I'd rather have that sore then my shins.

3 of 5 days

Okay, this is day 3 of 60 mins exercise. That's 3 days of the last 5 days. On track so far.

After I fully woke up, I "FORCED" myself onto the treadmill. I wanted to stop after 40 mins, but then thought about Debbie. I thought I'd get a lecture from her if I stopped so close to 60 mins and not just go all the way. LOL!

I almost did homework instead, but Tim convinced me I'd feel better and work better if I exercised first. So, I did mostly walking, but still got a little bit of running in.

And, Tim was right. I feel tons better!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Day 5 for Debbie

Not much to say except I did take a 30 minute walk today with the dog. Didn't walk very fast but got at least a mile in.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 4

We had another beautiful day today. I got up at 6 am and didn't get started until 7:30 am, but I walked 2.5 miles in 45 minutes. That's good for 3 exercise pts. My shins were screaming when I got done, but the rest of my body and my mind felt great!

Day 2

Okay, so today was day 2 out of 3 days (Goal: 21 out of 30 days).

I spent 60 minutes dragging my butt. I was still sore from the 5K I did. I didn't think I was until I actually started working out.

But, I managed to break a small sweat. Did 40 mins cardio, 10 mins abs and 10 mins stretching. So, nice to take a class, so you don't have to think of all this stuff yourself.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Day Three of 21

I got up this morning at 4am again. I went to the treadmill and did 10 minutes and my body revolted! My shins were hurting so bad that I decided the better part of valor was to stop so I would be able to do it later.
This afternoon after work and walked for 40 more minutes with one of my friends. It was a beautiful day today and the tempeture was 75 degrees. Will update you on day 4.

I look thinner!

So I haven't weighed in a few days. I had lost a total of 3 pounds the last time I weighed. But, my friend Angela said I look thinner tonight! Woo hoo!! That made me feel good and motivated to keep pressing on toward the goal. Which would be to be healthier, lose weight, and not pass on negative self image issues to my daughter!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


So, I did a 5K today!

Actually, I got quite a workout. My intention was to go to an aerobics class, but the car got stuck on the ice. So, after spending 40 mins digging myself out, I was too late for class. So, I got on the treadmill and saw they had a 5K loop. Now, I did do quite a bit of walking and wasn't running particularly fast. However, I did manage to get my running spurts longer and longer. While not great (57 mins and some change), I finished. And, I finished after 40 mins of digging snow and ice.

That's 1 day of 21.


So I did 32 minutes on the treadmill today and walked 1.76 miles. I am going to amend my former post to say I will work up to 1 hour of exercise a day for the next 21 days. I felt great after I did the treadmill at 4:00 am this morning, but after working a full 8 hours at my job as a school bus driver and having a very stressful day today, I feel like my butt has been kicked. So I will get on the treadmill again tomorrow morning at 4:00 am and let you know tomorrow night how it went.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Today I was inspired....

by my friend Terri. Two years ago, Terri was contemplating gastric bypass surgery. She had to lose a certain amount of weight before they would do the surgery. She went to work and started losing weight. Before she knew it, she had lost the required amount of weight and then some. She decided to try and lose more weight and put off the gastric bypass surgery. She lost 70 lbs! She started walking on her treadmill for an hour every morning before work. She watched what she ate and walked seven days a week. The weight has stayed off for two years and she still walks five days a week.

Terri told me it takes 21 days to form a new habit. I thought about what I do in the morning. I get up and get ready for work, drink my coffee and eat a light breakfast and sit on my fanny and read the paper. What if I walked an hour on my treadmill instead of reading the paper for an hour? I can still read the paper on my break. I have resolved to walk every day for the next 21 days for an hour. It may be in two 30 minute blocks but it will be an hour a day. I want to challenge you all to join me for the next 21 days and see what a difference it will make in your life. I'm going to reveal something about myself. I'm Karen's mother and I'm almost 55 years old. I think I'm the oldest one here. Don't let an old broad out do you young chicks! LOL!

Still Got My Workout

Completely snowed in today. Okay, not completely. However, I wasn' t in the mood to dig out the car. So, I waited around all day and Tim did it. Anyhow, I never made it to the gym.

So, in an effort not to be a lazy bum (because I didn't get my butt onto the treadmill). I hung up some very large, framed artwork onto the walls. Then, I took the kids outside to play and shoveled the path to the front of the house and the path that runs up to the back of the house.

Man alive, I didn't realize shoveling snow was such hard work. And, who would have thought snow was so heavy.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm proud of myself, too!

I had my weigh in at Weight Watchers today. I lost 2.2 lbs for a grand total of 11.8 in six weeks. Hurrah! I'm almost to my half way goal of 30 lbs before we go to Italy in June.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

I'm so proud of myself.....

Is that okay? This weird thing my family and hubby has that they don't like being proud of themselves or atleast they don't like to show it. I tell them not to mix that up with being too vain/vane (how do you spell that anyway).

I use to never be proud of the things I do. It took me a long time to get over that mentality. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments. Why not? We compliment other people on theirs. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm stopping people in the street to tell them about all the great stuff I do.

and on that note......I digress.....I'm gonna brag to you guys.

I am proud of myself because despite getting down on myself about my eating habits. I did manage to workout 4 days so far and I'm up in the air about tommorow. That was one of my goals. To get into the gym or workout at home 3-4 days a week. I've been working on this goal since October. I've arrived and to tell you the truth, as hard as it is to get up, get the kids ready and get to the gym in time for class, I am feeling pretty darn good.

Is this the path to goodness everybody keeps talking about?

Friday, February 9, 2007

Cake for Breakfast

Last night I had Pokeeno at my house. This means that I had to cook for 12 people including dessert. I made tri tip steak, a big salad, garlic mashed red potatoes, and Hawaiian rolls. For dessert I made a triple chocolate bliss cake. It was all yummy and I ate a lot of salad and a little bit of everything else.

This morning the cake called to me. I ate 1 piece with a very small scoop of ice cream. Unfortunately I couldn't taste it at all. I am planning on staying in my points today. 24 points. The cake was 7 and ice cream 3 so I have 14 left. Off I go to plan what I am eating the rest of the day. If I keep feeling like this it won't be hard.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Be kind to yourself

I'd like to respond to New fan's previous post. Be kind to yourself. Thinking negatively will not get you anywhere. Instead of a negative statement about how a food is not good for you, try stating it in the positive. Such as, "I can have that candy bar, but I don't want it today."If you have a food that you just love, but you're afraid of what it can do to your waistline, try giving it up for a short time. I love cheese. One time I decided that I would rather give up cheese than eat lowfat or fatfree cheese (what is fatfree cheese anyway, it doesn't even melt!) I gave it up for about six weeks and when I decided to eat it again, I tried lowfat cheese and found that it was pretty good. I still like regular, full fat cheese and I can still have it, I just have it in smaller amounts.

Don't make this about deprivation! Make it a lifestyle change and find how to eat what you want by allowing yourself to eat. I'm feeling that I'm having success this time because I'm eating what I want within my points for the day and I'm enjoying my food more. For myself, I've found that if I eat breakfast with a little protein I do better during the day. Orowheat's 100% whole wheat english muffins are great with 1 Tablespoon of lowfat peanut butter and it satisfies my hunger. I also eat a better lunch with a snack when I come home from work and then dinner. I'm trying not to eat after 7:30pm. I hope this helps and encourages you all. I know it's hard but we are all in this together.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Don't know what my problem is......

I have got the exercise thing down pat. Feeling good and getting to the gym atleast 3-4 days a week. If it snows, I get on the treadmill.

My down fall is the food. I look at things, tell myself they are bad for me, but eat them anyway.

I feel so lost and out of control when it comes to the food. The exercise is the only thing keeping me from gaining weight and the food is the only thing keeping me from loosing it.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Survived the Super Bowl Party and still lost weight!

That's right, ladies. I lost another 1.2 lbs. bringing me to a total of 9.6 in 5 weeks on Weight Watchers. I really wanted that 10 lb goal to be met this week but I will not allow myself to get discouraged. I will have at least 10 lbs off my next Tuesday!

And for last week . ..

I lost .5 lbs. Not as outstanding as before, but it still feels great. I wasn't as active as last week, but I've found that eating what I want when I'm hungry, and stopping the second I feel satisfied is my key to success. I'm 14 lbs away from my first goal, and it feels great! probably because 14 is so much smaller than 21. Have a terrifc week, ladies!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Off the wagon

I have lost a total of 2 pounds since the 1st of January. I have lost several inches like I posted earlier but I have lost my motivation. This always seems to happen when I start a "diet" or "change of lifestyle" or "new way of eating". I always seem to fail. Why? I don't know.

When I started working (outside of babysitting) I had this certain feeling of entitlement. Because of some of the things in my past I thought if I wanted something I should have it. If I wanted days off at Burger King I just told the boss what days I was going to work. They let me get away with that and I am not sure why. Maybe I was a good employee or maybe I was just assertive. When I went to college I was the same way and in my jobs. I felt like if I wanted something I should have it.

I wonder if I feel like that about my eating habits. For awhile I feel good about my choice to limit certain foods. Not give them up but have them in smaller quantities. Then I get to a point where I get frustrated and feel like I should be able to eat whatever I want, go buy a bunch of junk that I am going to ration and then eat it all in 2 days. I know better. I know if I buy it I am going to eat it. So, I should just not buy it. My sense of entitlement says I should be able to have it. How do I smash my feelings of entitlement and make better choices?

New challenge

OK ladies,
I have been lax in getting new challenges up. Plus I have been a flaker on getting prizes out. So, prizes that were supposed to go out last week will go out in the next couple of days.

Our next challenge will be sweets. From Wednesday to Wednesday log all sweets and post them next Thursday. The person that eats the least sweets will win a prize. :) You can also log the temptations and challenges of this challenge.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Okay, here is my log......

shredded wheat cereal w/ff milk
handful of pita chips
3 cups of hot chai tea
2 oranges
pasta w/chicken
3 pieces of rocher chocolate

turkey sub sandwich (no mayo)
baked lays
diet pepsi
3 cups chai tea
1 oranges
1/2 brownie
beef sirloin salad

tomato parmesean sandwich
5 triscuits
1 bite of donut
grilled chicken sandwich
french fries
diet pepsi
2 cookies
bowl of cereal w/ff milk

bowl of shredded wheat w/ff milk
2 waffles w/jam
3 cups chai tea (caffeine free)
roast pork w/rice
small amount of carrot
spita chips
2 cookies

water, more water
1 serving of coffee cake
1 cup of coffee w/half and half
garden salad
lo mein w/chicken, beef and shrimp
bag of baked lays
2 chicken wings

bowl of shredded wheat w/ff milk
about 1 1/2 cups popcorn
3 spoonfuls of macaroni and cheese
about 10 crackers
beef stew
cupcake (I admit it, this was a stresscake)

hot tea
bowl of shredded w/ff milk
handful of french fries
white chicken chili
8 double chocolate cookies

Haven't been feeling or doing so well

I'm sure I've gained the weight I lost back. Well, not sure because I have so far refused to get back on the scale.

But, I got super stressed over school and ate a cupcake and then last night I think I ate um, atleast 8 cookies.

We are "ALL" sick with cold too. So, that can't be good. But in an effort to recover, all the cookies are gone and I bought a mondo bag of fruit. As soon as I'm done here, I am going to get on the treadmill despite me hacking up a lung. I promise not to overdue it though. The last thing I need is to be sick all weekend.

Plus, I'd hate to be sick when I have to go to my tutoring session. I can't miss it either because I have midterms begining on Monday.