Friday, April 4, 2008


Have you seen Larry Boy and the Bad Apple? Every time I say the word temptation I sing the song in my head that the Bad Apple sings.
Everything that is bad for me is temptation. But I don't care...I just want to eat it anyway. I bought 2 shirts in XL yesterday. They were only $5 each but they are pretty cute. Unfortunately you can see where my bra straps squeeze my back. Nothing like a little backfat showing...
I have every intention of losing this dang weight but isn't the road to hell paved with good intentions?
I need a million dollars, a personal trainer and a personal chef and someone who can sit next to me all day long and monitor everything that goes in my mouth.
I have been busy today packing boxes, making sure Little Man pees in the potty and not on the floor, and doing laundry. Why is it that instead of the beautiful apples I grabbed the Costco muffin for breakfast?
I know what I need to eat I just don't want to. I feel entitled to eat what ever I want when I want it. I'll get it one of these days....

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