Monday, May 5, 2008

Temptation gone

Well those delicious Klondike Pretzel ice cream bars are no longer being sold in any of the stores I frequent. So, that is one temptation gone.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Eat Like a Hot Chick

This was one of my books on my list to read. I picked it up last Friday at the new Barnes and Noble and read it in about 2 hours on Sunday.

It is written by 2 girls that have never had kids, sleep around, and go out drinking. With that description you might think it is a horrible book but you would be wrong. :)

I really enjoyed reading it, even though it had the F bomb in it more than once. It was all stuff that is common sense but written in a way to be funny and entertaining. Their whole idea is eat what you want but remember all of us girls under 5 foot 9 don't need 2000 calories a day like the food pyramid says. So, eat what you want but if you eat chocolate cake for breakfast eat a pound of spinach for dinner.

It was more about self esteem though too and kicking yourself in the hiney for talking down to yourself.

It was a quick read and I am glad I read it even though the two girls come from a different place than I am in right now.